Before you buy a PC

Monday, June 25, 2007

Speakers for your computer

A computer is a complete entertainment platform for most people. With integration of TV and computer it is the most important entertainment device at most homes. Sound is not just for movies and other TV programs but also for games and now even for the latest virtual worlds.

Sound is one of the most important part of multimedia. Sound is not about how loud your speakers are, but how clear they are, how much noise they have, how much distortion at what volume and a lot more. Now don't worry not only rocket scientists have speakers. Lets see how a lay man can get hold of a good speaker system.

The first choice you have to make is whether you want a 2 speaker system , 2.1 system , 4.1 system, or a 5.1 system. Now what 2.1 does not mean that you get 2 big speakers and tiny one. The point one means that you will have a sub woofer or a speaker that addresses the lower frequency sounds. Why you need this? The main reason why the sub woofer gained popularity is high distortion related to one speaker addressing all frequencies. Now when you have a sub, the lower frequencies are not sent to the normal speakers and the sub will not get the higher speakers thus reducing the distortion to a huge extent.

I only have 2 ears then why 4 or 5 speakers.? Once the DVD came it is possible to recreate the theatrical multichannel experience at home , the one which made you turn when some one knocked on the hero's door.

4 speaker system will have 4 speakers with a sub. Two of the four will be in front of you on right and left and two behind on the right and left. The only difference with a 5 speaker system is that there will be a central speaker in the front for it.

For one to use a 4 or 5 speaker systems they should have audio hardware that supports the same. If you have an on board audio card check before you buy your speaker system because if your card is 2 channel there is no use in buying any thing more than 2.1. For the sub woofer the audio is separated from the main channel itself so with a 2 channel card you can use a 2 speaker system or a 2.1 speaker system i would advice the 2.1 if you can afford it.

Coming to 4.1 or 5.1 channel systems. Most common Audio cards have 5.1 systems but 4.1 channel speaker systems are more common mainly because of the difficulty of putting a central speaker on top of your screen and if your using a LCD ,its near to impossible. So that is how 4.1 became more popular for computer systems. The placing of a 4.1 or 5.1 system is very important. You should get all the instructions along with the system, where to put the speakers how far apart and all that kind of data, follow those properly for the best experience. Between a 4.1 and a 5.1 system i would prefer a 5.1 system if space allows it. The price difference between the two is marginal only.

There are newer systems with 7 or up to 15 speakers available but due to the fact that there are very few films or games supporting such systems in the market it will be an unwise decision to invest in one of them.

About good companies my list includes BOSE (at the very top) , creative , Logitech , Sony , and Altec Lansing at the bottom. If your just looking for just a pair of speakers there are many local companies too.

Another option would be to use a pair of headphone which too have a wide range to choose from the BOSE sound cancellers to the 1 $ one's.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Should you buy the best money can buy?

You have decided to buy a new Personal Computer be it a lap or a Desktop, and money is not a problem. Do you just go to a shop and say give me the best computer ? I would call that simply a financial suicide.
Remember the margins that most of these computer hardware guys get are meagre, and you just told them you are a novice. They would simply try to sell you the most expensive machine with them. Do you get more when you pay more ? Yes you do get more, but the question is not whether you get more but do you need more? and what premium this More comes at.

Computers are machines that get outdated very quickly, even though the Gigahertz war is over still the companies come out with better and better technologies by the day. But do you actually need more horses under your hood ? (or is the question now whether you need dogs, cats and lions along with the horses under your hood)
The computer companies tell you through their advertising that you can do more with their new technology. Majority of the readers of this article wont be first time buyers , but third , fourth or even further down the lane and you will know from you personal experience that you will end up doing much the same things as you did on your previous machine on the new one.

One important thing that we should understand is that the top of the line machine will be seriously over priced due to its introductory charm. Now if you ask for the best money can buy the shop will make you buy the top of the line stating a million Jargon terms confusing you to believe that you are taking home the superman of computers. Only to find out the very next day that your superman just retired. So its not about getting the best money can buy, but getting most value for you money.

Until or unless you have a lot of money lying around don't ever go for the top of the line. Another reason would be to impress a techie girlfriend or to show of with friends.If you have the money to afford this premium sure go for it because your new superman of the computer world is sure to get some jaws to drop but remember that is only till he retires.

So be wise and spend wise. Buy what you need and nothing more.